MUZO Education

Are you short on time for practising basic commands with your dog? Do you feel that the skills acquired during your training lessons are gradually being lost? Let MUZO help you by practising those commands with your dog.

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In addition to saving time and speeding up this crucial phase in your dog’s development, these sessions will enable you to regain control of his behaviour and therefore enjoy a calmer relationship with him.

Éducation canine


Available in conjunction with a stay at the MUZO hotel or during dog daycare at Club MUZO, these short sessions happening at regular intervals are conducted by our dog trainers, who will ensure that noticeable progress is made. Short videos will keep you informed of your dog's progress and help you understand the methods being used, for when you take over at home.


Available Monday to Friday.


Cost of a 5-session package is $350*split into four 15-minute mini-sessions spread throughout the day.

The 5-session package must be completed within 3 weeks.


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Critères d’admissibilité | Admissible au programme de fidélité MUZO Points

*Taxes en sus