Hotel MUZO
For Cats
Personalized cat boarding
All cats are unique. Since you know your kitty best, we help you build a package to suit their needs by carefully choosing their boarding space and activities. Our goal is to make sure you and your pet have a positive, comfortable experience.
Contact us
Choosing The Right Boarding Space
Your companion deserves a safe, intimate space to relax, and you deserve to travel worry-free.
Does your cat love to nap? If all they need is peace, quiet, and a comfy bed to feel right at home, choose a simple space.
Is your feline friend happiest in open spaces, perched on high ledges, and hiding in nooks and crannies? MUZO Hotel knows just what they need! Book a 4-storey Standard suite or an 8-storey Deluxe suite.
Donnez-nous plus d'infos
Choix de l’espace
Admission Criteria for Cats
*Cats must be sterilized.
* The following mandatory vaccinations must be up to date: Feline viral rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Feline calicivirus, and rabies.
*Vaccines must have been administered by the veterinarian at least 1 week before the cat’s arrival for a stay at MUZO.
*Cats that have previously contracted rhinotracheitis in their lifetime cannot be be boarded at MUZO.
*Cats must be healthy or otherwise have a condition that is treated and under control.
*Cats that require medication must be docile.
*Cats must have been treated against parasites, both internal (intestinal) and external (ticks and fleas).
Regardless of which space you choose, your cat will enjoy two outings per day in a playroom specially designed for feline entertainment. Cat boarding includes bowls, blankets, and fresh litter every day. For health reasons, please bring your usual pet food.
Programme de fidélité MUZO Points
Procedente igitur mox tempore cum adventicium nihil inveniretur, relicta ora maritima in Lycaoniam adnexam Isauriae se contulerunt ibique densis intersaepientes itinera praetenturis provincialium et viatorum opibus pascebantur.
Nunc vero inanes flatus quorundam vile esse quicquid extra urbis pomerium nascitur aestimant praeter orbos et caelibes, nec credi potest qua obsequiorum diversitate coluntur homines sine liberis Romae.
Ergo ego senator inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse, sicut semper fui, rei publicae debeo. Quid? si ipsas inimicitias, depono rei publicae causa, quis me tandem iure reprehendet, praesertim cum ego omnium meorum consiliorum atque factorum exempla semper ex summorum hominum consiliis atque factis mihi censuerim petenda.
Regardless of which space you choose, your cat will enjoy two outings per day in a playroom specially designed for feline entertainment. Cat boarding includes bowls, blankets, and fresh litter every day. For health reasons, please bring your usual pet food.
*Taxes en sus
Choose Their Favourite Activity
If you suspect that two group outings won’t be enough exercise or stimulation for your kitty, consider adding an activity that you think they’ll enjoy.
Are they a hunter at heart with a passion for bird watching? A walk along the Lachine Canal might be the outing of their dreams!
Is your cat super affectionate and social? Choose a one-on-one session with one of our cuddly cat-boarding members to satisfy their need for interaction.

Stroller Ride Along The Lachine Canal
20 minutes for
20 $*
30 minutes for
30 $*

Brushing And Cuddles
20 minutes for
20 $*
30 minutes for
30 $*
*Taxes en sus